Matt Bourke is a thrid generation harvesting contractor, son of Ian Bourke and grandson of the late Danny Bourke. Matt was born with contract harvesting running through his veins. From as young as Matt can rememberhas been sitting in a header or a truck helping with harvest or maintenance. In 2018 Matt began aquiring his own machines to work along side his father Ian Bourke. Over the past 6 years with the knowldge Matt has learnt over a lifetime in the industry Matt continues to build his fleet and has began taking on contracts of his own. Whilst Matt stil works alongside Ian Bourke harvesting, his newer model equipment and younger mind keeps him a head of the game.

Whilst Ian still runs his own machines as he begins to plan his retirement, he works alongside Matt passing his knowledge on and supporting his son in his own venture. Together Matt and Ian make a formidble team and have a strong reputation in the industy of providing the best service and the best running machines.

matt bourke harvesting